
Thanks again for visiting If you are one of our valued customers, we would like to thank you for your continued support. Many have been there since the beginning, and we consider you friends.

If you are a new customer, please let us take this time to welcome you! If you are a newcomer to our web site you may begin by going to the security tips section. Here we have plenty of information on all types of security, keep in mind this is general information. Please call us for a customized survey, we will send one of our security professionals to your home or business.

You can also go to "our favorites" here are recommend products that we feel will help with your choice. Our favorites is located on the interior pages left menu, when you click on this page you will then find our "most popular", again this is aimed at helping you make the best decision. The price points vary as much as our customers, we want to offer that "better than box store" product, and want you to know the difference.

200 Chatham Heights Rd. Fredricksburg, VA 22405 Phone: 1-800-373-2340 . 1-540-373-2340 Fax: 1-540-373-5074